Charisma In The Church

I found an interesting article on the internet that provoked some questions.  I never grew up in a charismatic Church so I found some of the things strange.  My thoughts are in bold underneath the 9 points from the following website. Source: Anybody who has read this column before…

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Persecution (Part 2)

Looks like this is turning into a series.  It’s a story that must be told.  If you missed the first part. Click Here to read that article. Once again I cannot take credit for this story…but it must be told none the less. Source: John L. Allen Jr. Imagine…

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Persecution Does Indeed Happen In The “Western World”

Have you ever been in one of those prayer circles and an old lady says, “Thank you Lord that we live in a country where we have freedom to worship You without penalty” ….or something along those lines. Let me tell you something.  Persecution of Christians has been happening all…

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The Sanctity of Marriage (Between a MAN and WOMAN) is Never Unconstitutional

I was reading an article from the CBC which stated that the U.S.  (Obama and this one other guy) decided that it would be in their best interest to not defend the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.  Apparently it is better if that law be perverted…

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