Exit: The Wilderness

Richard and Olive jogged confidently into the woods.  Olive briefly stopped by a large boulder where she picked up a light weight knapsack made of some sort of animal skin.  Removing from it a long sword, she gave this to Richard. “So you can cut through the undergrowth,” she instructed…

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Exit: As Real As It Gets

Another ten minutes passed.  Richard made his way from the beach, crossing over the breakwater where he had had his original embarrassment the night before.  He was about to transition from sand to undergrowth when a woman came crashing, rather undignified for a lady, out of the trees and rushed…

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Exit: The Discovery

David carefully climbed the extension ladder up to the roof of the cabin.  He nimbly traversed the length and breadth of the steeply angled roof without harness.  The roof was built at a steep angle on purpose.  David never liked to have to shovel snow off of it in the…

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Exit: The Cubicle

It was 2:30 on a Friday afternoon. Richard Pringle sat hunched over his computer. He worked as an Online Catalogue Manager in a large library in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. Richard loved his job, especially when new books would come in and he got to see what was new and…

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Introducing Exit

This will be the third short story for me that starts in 2016. Here’s the brief summary.  I don’t want to give everything away. Richard Pringle is your average work a day, middle aged man.  He has never had that excellent weekend all of his coworkers keep talking about.  One…

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