TobyMac To Play Moncton Tomorrow

Moncton seems to be the place for big concerts this year.  It played host to U2 on the final show of their 360 tour  (That show was excellent).  On October 5th Moncton plays host to TobyMac, the former DC Talk rapper who has turned into an excellent solo act in his own right compared to the rest of them…Kevin Max is on a rebound and Michael Tait has found a new home with the Newsboys…but I’m getting off topic here.  The big question many of you are asking in your heads is, will Toby Mac out play U2?  My answer….I doubt it, it’s hard to out play U2.  It is unfair to compare the two acts as they are in two completely different genres of music all together.  If Toby can have fun tomorrow night, then so should the crowd and it should be a good time!

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