Originally recorded by Elizebethian composer John Dowland and then resurrected by Sting in 2006, “Songs from the Labyrinth” came out to mixed reviews (according to Wikipedia) but if you ask me, I quite like it. It takes guts to go out there with just a lute player and record awesomeness.
I like it because it’s different from any other album I’ve listened to ever. I don’t listen to a lot of Elizabethan stuff so it was interesting.
The record is written as a sort of story about a man who apparently was in a bad relationship and then he got out of it, but he was poor so he wasn’t sure if he could find another woman who could truly love him like he would love her, and therefore he was very sad. He knew that what he lacked in money (being a street peddler didn’t pay a whole lot in those times) he could make up for in love if a woman would give him a chance. Along with love, he also wanted to be of service to people, particularly his queen (he was a good Englishman)…I don’t think that was too much to ask for.
Over all a very interesting album.