Exit: The Decision

Richard awoke the next day at a time he considered to be early.  The sun was just peeking over the mountainous.  Making his way to the simple hut’s common room he noticed a freshly prepared deer like creature ready to be eaten, spread out effectively over Olive’s humble table which…

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Exit: Sleepless

David had searched the cabin along with the surrounding wilderness high and low looking for Richard.  What was supposed to be a fun getaway with his brother had quickly turned into a nightmare, only he could not wake up from this one.  He dragged himself to bed at 11:30 p.m.…

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Exit: The Wilderness

Richard and Olive jogged confidently into the woods.  Olive briefly stopped by a large boulder where she picked up a light weight knapsack made of some sort of animal skin.  Removing from it a long sword, she gave this to Richard. “So you can cut through the undergrowth,” she instructed…

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Exit: The Cubicle

It was 2:30 on a Friday afternoon. Richard Pringle sat hunched over his computer. He worked as an Online Catalogue Manager in a large library in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. Richard loved his job, especially when new books would come in and he got to see what was new and…

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Introducing Exit

This will be the third short story for me that starts in 2016. Here’s the brief summary.  I don’t want to give everything away. Richard Pringle is your average work a day, middle aged man.  He has never had that excellent weekend all of his coworkers keep talking about.  One…

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