COVID 19: March 22, 2020

This article caused some mild frustration. Today marks the first Sunday of Online Services at the Church I attend. It went well enough, even though it was a bit strange not having the whole body of believers around. You’re looking at a screen with whoever you happen to be isolating with. In said article the writer seems to be of the assumption that if the parking lot isn’t full, doors open, seats filled then the Church is surely closed! The thing is, the Church never closed. Yes, the parking lot was empty, so it may seem like it from the outside. Worshiping together, temporarily, in smaller groups does not mean that the Church is somehow agreeing that the government is God. That will never be true. None of those decisions to have online services were made because we somehow wanted to stop being the Church, or proclaim the government as God. We are still the Church wherever, and however many of us are able to meet at once. The Church is the Lord’s house, but He is also everywhere else too. Viruses can’t last forever. We will come together as the whole community again.
<blockquote>For where <b>two</b> <b>or</b> three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 18:20 NIV.</blockquote>
Here are the Church services I watched today.

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