This is a story that takes place a year ago, exactly a year ago actually. The day was November 17, 2010 and it was not to be the best day I ever had. I got up and went to the University cafeteria and had breakfast with a girl I used to date. (Now you can tell where this is going). She didn’t seem as happy with me as she had previously while we had been dating, and her mood didn’t improve throughout that day. I went through my day as normal, slightly on edge because I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t figure out what it was. I tried asking her about it during lunch and supper that day, but she wasn’t ready to explain things at that moment. So I waited in suspense. I went to band practice that night, and that was really the only thing that worked out right that day. After band practice I returned to my pod on residence and my friend came over and explained that she did not want to lose a friend because I was a wonderful person and what not. However, she did not like being associated with me anymore because she found it difficult to find herself as a person at that time. Then she went on about all sorts of things that weren’t the way they should be…most of it was true, some of it was assumed. (She’s a good person…why would she rip me apart like that). She announced that we should separate and stop dating. She seemed shocked when I let her go so easily. (What else could I do at that point?….who was I to stand in the way of what she wanted?) So she left my room and that was it. She quickly did the undesirable task of changing her relationship status on Facebook, and that is where this story gets better.
I was not alone for five minutes when suddenly all of my friends who I hadn’t gotten a chance to hang out with in a long time (because I was “busy”) showed up to make sure I was alright…because they had seen what had happened on facebook and realized that I must be free to hang out with them again. (I had been free to hang out with them all through it). Anyway, we all went out to McDonald’s (as is the tradition amongst that group when one of their friends suffers a break up). It was a good time after all. (It’s good to have good friends in your dark hours).
I haven’t dated anyone since then. Not because of low self esteem or anything like that…I’m just not that desperate. When it needs to happen it will happen. I don’t need to worry. The last year has been a year of growth and learning for me. Perhaps if / when it comes time to try again, I’ll be able to do much better next time…with God’s help of course! Relationships and marriages are much more successful when God is intimately involved in them.