Exit: The Wedding

“Wake up Richard! You don’t want to be late for your wedding!” Baqui invaded the hut and roused Richard.  “Baqui, where is Olive?” he said. “Olive has been taken hostage by the local women so that she can look her best for you.” said Baqui. Richard became even more excited. …

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Exit: Monday

David woke early to the sound of his cellphone ringing.  He was instantly filled with dread as he remembered the situation in which he was trapped. “Pick up the phone, David!”  The voice said menacingly . “Can’t you see I’m trying to get to it?” replied David. “If I were…

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Exit: The Hunt

Richard returned to what he dubbed the Circle of Terror after a brief lunch of hastily prepared fruits, nuts, and berries.  All of which Olive had said would be necessary to keep his strength up.  Olive and briefed him as well as she could in regard to the hunting techniques…

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Exit: The Decision

Richard awoke the next day at a time he considered to be early.  The sun was just peeking over the mountainous.  Making his way to the simple hut’s common room he noticed a freshly prepared deer like creature ready to be eaten, spread out effectively over Olive’s humble table which…

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Exit: Sleepless

David had searched the cabin along with the surrounding wilderness high and low looking for Richard.  What was supposed to be a fun getaway with his brother had quickly turned into a nightmare, only he could not wake up from this one.  He dragged himself to bed at 11:30 p.m.…

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Exit: The Wilderness

Richard and Olive jogged confidently into the woods.  Olive briefly stopped by a large boulder where she picked up a light weight knapsack made of some sort of animal skin.  Removing from it a long sword, she gave this to Richard. “So you can cut through the undergrowth,” she instructed…

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Exit: As Real As It Gets

Another ten minutes passed.  Richard made his way from the beach, crossing over the breakwater where he had had his original embarrassment the night before.  He was about to transition from sand to undergrowth when a woman came crashing, rather undignified for a lady, out of the trees and rushed…

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