The Future Vision Of Microsoft



I’m not so sure that this much productivity is safe for human beings.  They all just looked like robots…trying to be super productive.  Are we as a society going to get so worried about being productive that we’ll have no time to spend with our families or firends, no time to have a real, long conversation with someone…no time to go see the real outdoors…because “there’s an app for that.”  It’s good to be productive, but is it good to be that productive that you don’t even take time for yourself or those you care about the most.  According to Microsoft we could be headed for one of the most productive ages in history….but do they realize that it is at a cost of losing things that are much more important and real?  Facebook is good for when you’re far away, but nothing beats a real conversation and fun with friends or family.  You can read about the outdoors on the internet…but did you know you can still visit it in real life too?  Are we as a society actually prepared to lose all that for the sake of being productive?  I hope not.

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