You should know right off the top that more often than not, I don’t really like math. This will not be complicated.
Perhaps this would be a good time to explain the scale I’ll be using.
If you have 20/20 vision, they would mark you at zero on this scale. If you are far sighted, you would be in the positive numbers. If you are near sighted, you get the negative numbers. The higer the number is, the worse it gets. High myopia starts at -6. There, that’s all you need to know about that. No need to make your brain explode.
And now, on to the main discussion.
-12; -17; -22; -24. Those are the last four prescriptions I remember. Especially the most recent. I have always been near sighted. It’s always been pretty bad compared to other people with normal eyes. I did the math, and it would seem that I lose 1 point on the near sighted scale every year as far as the rough average goes. Obviously by those numbers you’ve already seen, you know there was some years between them. The funny thing is, the change is so gradual that I don’t even notice it! However, the numbers don’t lie. It’s happening. My vision was never that great though, so I’m not losing a whole lot as far as I can tell. If it continues at the current pace, and I happen to live to be eighty years old, I will have a prescription of at least -74 by that time. I have no idea what that would even look like. I know that I am already legally blind. My vision is over 20/200. That means that what a normal person can see at 200 feet, I can only see at 20 feet with glasses. That’s all it takes.
My big question these days is as follows:
How far down the scale does a person have to get before everything turns to mush all the time, no matter what, or perhaps everything goes black? If I take my glasses off, I’m already at the mush stage. In simpler terms. I’ve already calculated my current rate of descent into the abyss. How long before I hit the actual bottom, where it can’t get any worse? It would be nice to know ahead of time. So far, I haven’t found an answer to that question. If I do, I’ll let you know. With sources and everything.