ADVENT Week 3: “Joy”

The Third week of Advent (which starts Sunday December 12, 2010) is centered on the joy that Christ brought when he came into the world.  People had been waiting a long time for the Messiah to come to earth, as had been prophesied by different individuals many many years before the actual event.  Some thought he would come to turn the oppressive Roman government on their heads.  (They would eventually fall, but not in the way that the Jews and new Christians thought it would!)  Upon hearing of his arrival.  Shepherdess ran joyfully toward the manger scene to see what the Messiah was all about.  Much later, scholars from the far East came to visit Jesus, joyfully presenting him with gifts of Gold (because he would be king of kings) Frankincense (an incense that was commonly used in worship in the synagogues of the day) and Myrrh (which was a common burial spice used so that the dead bodies don’t totally stink up the tombs)  This was brought to for shadow the fact that Jesus would eventually pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins …and then rise from the dead 3 days later…thus having conquered it!  Christians can find joy in this event, because of his death all people now have the chance to be reunited with God and be free of the bondage of sin if they so choose!!! And that my friends is great news to be joyful about!

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