As a member of the commonwealth, I must say I am disapointed in Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. If I could have, I would have voted to stay along with the 49%.
In an effort to understand why easy trade among the colonies and avoiding an instant recession was a bad idea, I spoke with some of my #BREXIT supporting friends. Yes I can have decent, informative conversations with people who disagree with me.
Their main happiness is that Britain will now be able to negotiate a more reasonable Immigration package. I get that it’s an island and there’s not much space or resources, but with most of Europe helping, along with the rest of the world, couldn’t they stay in and find a workable solution?
Now they will most likely face another referendum with Scotland (an EU supporting nation within a nation). They will also have to renegotiate much more expensive trade deals with countries and deal with half the population of angry Britains.
We live in interesting times, you never know what is going to happen next….