Leaders Debate Notes

Premier Progressive Conservative Tim Huston Liberal Zack Churchill “New” Democrat Party Claudia Chender Affordable Housing PCs want to build more Liberals want to encourage CoOps NDP want to lower prices. Wages vs Cost of Living PCs have targeted supports.  Free lunch program.  Need broader ranges of supports.  Lowering HST wont…

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Nova Scotia Votes

Tomorrow we will vote for who gets the privilege to lead the province for the next four years. Just a couple of things to remember.  There’s no need to freak out if someone else votes a different way than you.  We are not voting for a savior, we already have…

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The Thing About Strikes

As has been well documented in the news in recent weeks and months.  Canada Post is about to most likely go on strike tomorrow if a deal can’t be made to fix their apparently unsatisfactory work to compensation ratio. I can’t understand why any organization would choose striking over working. …

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Thoughts on #BREXIT

As a member of the commonwealth, I must say I am disapointed in Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.  If I could have, I would have voted to stay along with the 49%. In an effort to understand why easy trade among the colonies and avoiding an instant recession…

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