Up in Smoke

It has been pretty well documented that smoking is an all around nasty habit. It helps ABSOLUTELY NOBODY. Many countries around the world have realized this fact.

See the following comprehensive map and legend for the types of smoking bans around the world.


Smoking bans worldwide as of 8 Feb 2010: no restrictions or no data patchy and incomplete bans, low enforcement no national ban, some localities have comprehensive indoor bans strong national ban in public areas except entertainment and restaurants, or weak enforcement in indoor entertainment areas strong national ban in public areas except entertainment and restaurants, some localities have comprehensive indoor bans strong national ban in all public indoor areas with some exceptions strong national ban in all public indoor areas Note: Countries with all subnational entities having a ban equates to a nationwide ban here, such as for Canada and Australia

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Smoking_bans.png)

However, in spite of all of the improvements to help us non smokers not have to deal with the inconvenience of extra smoke in the air, (as if polution wasn’t bad enough already!) smokers have still managed to engage in thier sinful hobby within the public eye. Since they cannot smoke inside buildings, some have decided that it is ok to smoke just outside of public buildings thinking it is ok as long as they are around other smokers. Sometimes they hang out on sidewalks where the general public may walk (such as outside some university campuses)

While that train of thought may be legal, it is not overly healthy….for anyone. Even second hand smoke can cause heart disease, lung irritation, constriction of veins and arteries, and stroke.

(Source: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Tobacco/ETS)

As if that’s not enough to worry about. When a person smokes a cigarette, even outside, they are exposing anybody who walks by them to the same chemcals they themselves are inhailing!

Common Chemicals Found In Cigarettes:

(Source: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Tobacco/ETS ).

We really would rather not breathe this stuff as we’re just minding our own business.
Next time you think of lighting up. Please, do it in your closet or something.


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