Atlantic Canada Finally Getting Noticed

There has been an interesting trend in the maritime provinces over the last few years.  Back in the day, big name bands would only ever think about coming as far east as Montreal.  However, in more recent times, perceptions seem to have changed.  Now it is not uncommon for big name acts to think about coming to this part of the world to play their shows.  In recent years the region hasseen acts such as U2, The White Stripes, The Newsboys, TobyMac, Paul McCartney, David Crowder Band* and most recently Jerry Seinfeld is thinking about bringing his show up here.  Those are just a few of the big names that I can remember right now…no doubt there have been more.
The reasons for all of these acts showing up in the maritime provinces is no doubt helped by promorters who work tirelessly to promote these venues in Moncton, Saint John, Halifax, and for The White Stripes even Sidney Mines as good places for bands and other acts to play their shows.  While some larger cities out west still wonder if we have running water, these acts show up and end up having a great time with their fans out east in the “backwater” cities of Canada.   Everyone who preforms in the maritimes tends to have a good time.  Bono said that Moncton, was “…one of the nicest towns U2 has ever been to…”  Jack White enjoys playing the smaller shows in towns that don’t normally get shows according to.  TobyMac had a blast when he played his Moncton show.  The Newsboys keep coming back to the region…so they must enjoy themselves every time they come here. David Crowder Band* had a sold out show when they played in Lower Sackville of all places.
All this proves that Atlantic Canada enjoys having fun as much as the bigger cities.  Bands who make the trip out here are never disappointed, because we like to have a good time just as much as the rest of them.  It is good that we are finally getting noticed for that.  It’s not a bad thing to play shows out east.  You’ll still get your money’s worth and have a good time.

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