Chess: Rooks

What I Think of Them Rooks are the second best pieces in the game.  They are like bishops in that they can possibly move many squares in one turn, but instead of going diagonally, they go in straight line directions for moving and capturing.  Doesn’t matter what colour square they…

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Chess: Knights

What I Think of Them Knights move and capture in an L shape 2 in one direction 1 in another.  They are the strategy messer uppers of the group.  They can also jump over other pieces due to being equestrian geniuses. What Other People Think of Them ***

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Chess: Bishops

What I Think of Them Bishops are like the Pharisees in the Bible.  They appear useful on the outside, but inside they need a lot of work.  You get one for dark squares and one for light squares.  They only move diagonally on those specific squares.  They capture diagonally as…

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Chess: King

What I Think About Him He’s like one of those dead beat dads that you hear about on TV.  Head of the household, but he can only move one square in any direction.  Unless he is castling.  Even dead beat dads can come through when they want to though as…

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Chess: Pawns

What I Think of Them Pawns are that something in the way sort of thing, much like Kurt Cobain falsley believed about himself.  Only difference is they don’t try to kill themselves on purpose.  (He totally should have seen a doctor for his stomach things, it could have turned out…

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