Would You Pay A Stranger To Cuddle You?

My reaction to follow this interesting article I found on the internet. *** Source https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/cuddle-services-creating-an-outlet-for-lonely-174105686.html If you want to pay a stranger to snuggle with you to scare away your loneliness, you are in luck. Canada appears to have entered a golden age for professional snuggling, with parties and personal…

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Make More Out Of Your Friday Nights

I found this article interesting….but I also found it lacked a little something.  My response after. *** Source: http://elitedaily.com/dating/hookup-culture-non-relationship-generation-getting-nowhere/664654/ To say that our generation is inadequate when it comes to romantic relationships would be the understatement of the year. Instead of relationships, it’s non-relationships that we’re condoning. Participating in today’s…

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Get Rid of the Porn

Society would be able to function a lot better if it weren’t for the porn industry. If you don’t believe me, check out this video. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjfWHyhBeCk&NR=1 Society needs to get their priorities right, Porn should not be in the place of God, but in Norht America it seems to…

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Don’t Sleep Around

Random fact from a Bathroom Calendar. “Men are 4 times more likely to die from sex if their partner is not their wife.” I can believe that statistic. His wife and three of her best friends would beat him to a pulp. It’s not good to sleep around with people…

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