Exit: Committed

Geoff and Loretta stared blankly at the headstone.  Neither of them could believe that they had just buried their youngest son.  They had decided to have a very private ceremony in order to put Richard to rest and bring some closure to this part of their lives.  The funeral was…

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Exit: Enter Earth

Richard prepared the vessel for re-entry.  In order to not be spotted by anyone, especially homeland security, Richard activated a cloaking mechanism that caused the ship and its passengers to become completely invisible.  He was glad he had come up with that idea.  Though, if he had not, he did…

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Exit: The Morgue Visit

Geoff and Loretta made their way down to the city morgue.  For a building with one purpose it was still confusing to find one’s way around.  Sweating with anticipation the couple arrived at drawer P-189147125.  “There are an awful lot of people stored here.  Good thing this place is labeled…

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Exit: Grief’s Answer

Loretta Pringle heard three sharp wraps at the door.  She dutifully walked over to answer it.  She saw Gerald, hat in hand with the autopsy report. “Come in,” she said. Gerald entered and began the speech he had rehearsed on the ride over.  “I’m sorry to bother you Loretta but…

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